After a number of reports related to the sightings of a masked bottle-like character at festival locations, our special correspondent managed to arrange an exclusive interview with the superbottle himself! Who is he, what brings him here and what excatly does he have against bananas? Read the exclusive interview with a hero!
I: First of all, let me just say I am super excited to be talking to you! You’re apparently all over the place but no one knows anything about you – it’s crazy, right? Tell me, what brings you to FRFF?
B: I was always kind of around. I guess the cape and the costume just made me more noticable. I started off as just an ordinary bottle. Then, a group of film enthusiasts living in Karlovac started the festival as an international counterpart to The Youth Film Festival. They decided to play with the ‘message in the bottle’ analogy, which made sense since they come from a city that is situated on the banks of four rivers…
I: Always so creative, aren’t they?
B: I know, right? Naturally, this turned into ‘film in the bottle’ and there I was! I also inspired the festival trophy! 15 years later, after plenty of yellow bikes, lemons, rubber ducks and bananas I kind of wanted the spotlight back so I got the cape and decided to unbottle my inner festival hero, and here we are!
I: Not a fan of bananas, huh?
B: I mean, it’s not just the bananas…It was laundry pegs, experiment bottles, paper boats, even eggs! Who even thinks of these things?!
I: I heard they have an entire team of people who pitch and discuss leitmotifs for the festival…
B: I hope they get paid in bananas and not peanuts.
I: Remind me not to mention the bananas again…but let me tell you, I am living for the cape right now! It is giving me such hero vibes! Does it come with any superpowers?
B: My superpowers were always there, the cape just helped to bring them out. The flying is not a thing, that’s photoshopped. Superheroes are not always made by some supernatural forces, through experiments and those kinds of things. In my opinion, superheroes are created on film sets and in editing rooms, they look like everyone else and usually come in teams but, after a lot of hard work; they bring magic to your screens.
I: And what inspired the mask?
B: Just thought it looked cool.
I: Fair enough. Are you excited about this year’s screenings?
B: I think it’s going to be cool seeing some old faces and friends again, and the films just kind of add to that. I would also strongly recommend not swimming with a cape on for anyone who gets that idea! Resist the urge!
I: That’s a smart suggestion! Anything else you would like to share with the readers?
B: I’d like to finish this off by saying Don’t bottle up your inner hero like I have, that could be you in the yellow spotlight! See you at Zorin dom in September!