Red. br. | Naslov | Kategorija | Klub/Autor | Država |
1 | “Zvezda”: Eclipse | documentary | Fakultet dramskih umetnosti | Serbia |
2 | Baring The Water Crisis of Barind | documentary | Rajshahi University | Bangladesh |
3 | Between Garbage and God | documentary | Kingston school of arts | United Kingdom |
4 | BON APPETIT | animated | Merinov Animation School | France |
5 | Bucket’s List | fiction | London Film Academy | United Kingdom |
6 | Call me sir | documentary | IVKO Amsterdam | Netherlands |
7 | Christmas Lights | animated | Mid-Pacific Institute | United States, Hawaii |
8 | Deer | fiction | Station Next | Denmark |
9 | Detached | Animated Film | Vancouver Film School | Canada |
10 | Eden Liz Ohayon | documentary | Ironi-Hey Haifa Israel | Israel |
11 | Hot Teen Couple | fiction | Cecilie Solvei Holmfjord Jonassen | Denmark |
12 | In My Nostrils | free style | Latvian Academy of Culture | Latvia |
13 | KONFORMEA | animated | UMN | Indonesia |
14 | Last piece of puzzle | fiction | Emerson college | China |
15 | Let Us Love | documentary | BFI | United Kingdom |
16 | Night Whispers | fiction | BINUS University | Indonesia |
17 | Resorting to sleep | fiction | Tawfeeq Rashad | Yemen |
18 | Reunion | fiction | Station Next | Denmark |
19 | REWIND | animated | California Institute of the Arts | United States, California |
20 | Spark of Life | animated | Sichuan Fine Art Institute | China |
21 | Spring | fiction | Alisa Meniaikina | Russian Federation |
22 | STABAT MATER – Capsule no 2 “The Hunt Begins” | free style | Université Bordeaux Montaigne | France |
23 | T-130 | animated | West Virginia University | United States, West Virginia |
24 | The Chihuahua Shake | animated | College of the Canyons | United States, California |
25 | The Grandfather Paradox | animated | Debargha Maschatak | India |
26 | The world you want | documentary | Tehnoart Beograd | Serbia |
27 | to find (گز) | fiction | Tehran University | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
28 | ZiGZaG | free style | College of Fine Arts – University of Sulaimani | Iraq |
Red. br. | Naslov | Kategorija | Klub/Autor | Država |
1 | As You Are | free style | Lancaster University, UK | United Kingdom |
2 | Bad Trip | animated | Hubert Suchecki | Poland |
3 | BESTIARY | fiction | Edouart Herriot High School, Lyon, France | France |
4 | Borders | animated | The Secondary School of Electrical Engineering “Nikola Tesla” | Serbia |
5 | Célestine | animated | madrese festival | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
6 | Echoing, it doesn’t stop | animated | University of Pennsylvania | Canada |
7 | Goodbye War | fiction | Loomis Chaffee School | Korea, Republic of |
8 | Grave Encounter | animated | Nanyang Polytechnic, SDM | Singapore |
9 | 𝐻𝑎𝑛𝑑 | free style | Sichuan Film and Television University | China |
10 | Heart of Pearls | animated | Nanyang Polytechnic, SDM | Singapore |
11 | HELICOPTER | fiction | New York University | New York |
12 | I’m not like them | fiction | Kyiv National I. K. Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Cinema and Television University | Ukraine |
13 | LOMA | fiction | Indonesian Institute of The Arts, Yogyakarta | Indonesia |
14 | LUCID | free style | Srednja tehnička škola Bugojno | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
15 | Lump the Frog | animated | California Institute of the Arts | United States |
16 | Meouch | animated | FAAP | Brazil |
17 | Midnight City | fiction | Elise Xiaqi Eriksen | Norway |
18 | ON THE VERGE | animated | PLSP Naleczow | Poland |
19 | ONUS | fiction | Gymnasium Fridericianum Erlangen | Germany |
20 | Oyum | documentary | Kyrgyzstan Turkey Manas University | Kyrgyzstan |
21 | Poultry Panic | fiction | Station Next | Denmark |
22 | Return | fiction | Windward School | United States |
23 | Seed Cycle | animated | Higher Institute Toulouse Lautrec | Peru |
24 | Somnia Flores | fiction | Kourtrajmé | France |
25 | Telephone | fiction | Station Next | Denmark |
26 | The Squishining | animated | Västerbergslagens utbildningsförbund | Sweden |
27 | The Story of Vadapav | documentary | Whistling Woods International | India |
28 | The Tell-Tale Heart | animated | Secondary school IRL | Ireland |
29 | Tomorrow and Forever | fiction | Temple University | United States |
30 | Tuesday | fiction | Lancaster University | United Kingdom |
31 | Vilik: The Life Of A Firefighter | documentary | Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. K. Zhurgenov | Kazakhstan | | Title | Category | Club / Author | Country |
1 | “41.998491870719256, 21.42990107435811” | free style | DSULUD Lazar Lichenoski | Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of |
2 | A Wish Beyond Death | animated | Middlesex University | Greece |
3 | About That Dream | documentary | London Film Academy | United Kingdom |
4 | Ari | animated | Rawan Fayez | Egypt |
5 | Boredom | fiction | Viktor Gelbek | Denmark |
6 | CAPO CRIMINI (Eng Subs) | fiction | Viktor Gelbek | Denmark |
7 | Covid-19 among us | documentary | Västerbergslagens utbildningsförbund | Sweden |
8 | Dzoli | documentary | Univerzitet Donja Gorica / Fakultet za dizajn i multimediju | Montenegro |
9 | Elizabeth | fiction | Station Next | Denmark |
10 | Ficciones | fiction | InOut Distribution | Spain |
11 | Four | free style | Rhode Island School of Design | United States of America |
12 | HORMIGUEO (ANTLING) | animated | Instituto América Latina | Argentina |
13 | If you swallow a star | fiction | School of Performing Arts Seoul | Korea, Republic of |
14 | IN- JUSTICE “The 2012 Nirbhaya Gang Rape Case” | documentary | Yash Johari | India |
15 | LENZ | free style | All American High School | United States of America |
17 | Paper talk | fiction | Eicar paris | France |
18 | Robot Mom | fiction | Universitas Multimedia Nusantara | Indonesia |
19 | Savior | fiction | Islamic Azad University | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
20 | SUNSHINE | animated | Galatasaray University | Turkey |
21 | The Twins | animated | California Institute of the Arts | United States of America |
22 | Unfolding | animated | Het 4e Gymasium Amsterdam | Netherlands |
23 | Valera | fiction | Olga Artushevska | Ukraine |
24 | War in Ukraine | documentary | Greater Brighton Metropolitan College | Ukraine / United Kingdom | | Naslov / Title | Kategorija / Category | Klub / Club / Autor / Author | Država / Country |
1 | Afterparty | igrani / fiction | University of Westminster | Sjeverna Makedonija / North Macedonia |
2 | Are You Bored Yet | slobodni stil / free style | Harrison School for the Arts | Sjedinjene Američke Države / United States |
3 | At the River | slobodni stil / free style | Luksuz produkcija | Slovenija / Slovenia |
4 | Bagged | igrani / fiction | Lightray films | Rumunjska / Romania |
5 | Caved In | animirani / animated | California Institute of the Arts | Sjedinjene Američke Države / United States |
6 | CITSALP | animirani / animated | De La Salle College Of Saint Benilde | Filipini / Philippines |
7 | Commuters | slobodni stil / free style | UWE Bristol | Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo / United Kingdom |
8 | Covid Generations | animirani / animated | Västerbergslagens utbildningsförbund, Limerick Young Filmmakers & Fresh Film Festival | Švedska / Sweden |
9 | David Isn’t Here Anymore | igrani / fiction | All American High School Film Festival | Sjedinjene Američke Države / United States |
10 | Distance | animirani / animated | University of the Arts Poznan | Poljska / Poland |
11 | Distinct Properties of the Indonesian Spotted Tree Frog | igrani / fiction | Brendan Lee Hickey | Sjedinjene Američke Države / United States |
12 | Divination Dave | animirani / animated | Georgia Madden | Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo / United Kingdom |
13 | Doors of Perception | animirani / animated | Leeds Arts University | Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo / United Kingdom |
14 | God´s Child | igrani / fiction | Katrinebergs folkhögskola | Švedska / Sweden |
15 | “FALL 2020” | animirani / animated | School of Visual Arts | Kina / China |
16 | In Your Head | animirani / animated | UWE Bristol | Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo / United Kingdom |
17 | Little Gestures | igrani / fiction | Escape Studios | Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo / United Kingdom |
18 | Living Room Banter | igrani / fiction | Alak at Pelikula Productions, Haraya Films | Filipini / Philippines |
19 | Mama | animirani / animated | SEK Dublin International School | Irska / Ireland |
20 | Orange | animirani / animated | Nottingham Trent University | Španjolska / Spain |
21 | Outspoken Narrative – Episode 7: The Capitol Under Siege | dokumentarni / documentary | John Randolph Tucker High School | Sjedinjene Američke Države / United States |
22 | Pub Under the Sun | animirani / animated | University of Arts in Poznań | Poljska / Poland |
23 | QUACK | igrani / fiction | Rowen Henderson | Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo / United Kingdom |
24 | Quiet Night | igrani / fiction | Uniwa, Greece | Grčka / Greece |
25 | Ring Bearer | igrani / fiction | Vinyl Pictures | Kanada / Canada |
26 | ROOTLESS | dokumentarni / documentary | Ung i Rudersdal, Bloom Productions | Danska / Denmark |
27 | Rotting Guilt | igrani / fiction | SAE institute | Belgija / Belgium |
28 | Sky Baby | igrani / fiction | Station Next | Danska / Denmark |
29 | sol sol | igrani / fiction | Digital 104 | Španjolska / Spain |
30 | Square | slobodni stil / free style | All American High School Film Festival | Sjedinjene Američke Države / United States |
31 | Stitching Hearts, Stitching Dreams: A Fight For Equitable Healthcare | dokumentarni / documentary | Dhruv Patel | Sjedinjene Američke Države / United States |
32 | Take Care | animirani / animated | Concordia University | Kanada / Canada |
33 | tatata | animirani / animated | East China NOrmal UNiversity | Kina / China |
34 | The Comet | animirani / animated | University of Art in Poznań | Poljska / Poland |
35 | The Fairy tale | igrani / fiction | Chungang University | Južna Koreja / Korea, Republic of |
36 | The Moments | animirani / animated | Piotr Kaźmierczak | Poljska / Poland |
37 | Trees of Valiasr | igrani / fiction | Art University of tehran | Iran / Iran, Islamic Republic of |
38 | Water my plants (Rega’m les plantes) | igrani / fiction | ESCAC | Španjolska / Spain |
39 | Welfarepandemic | animirani / animated | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | Nizozemska / Netherlands |